Congress continues to pass legislation that is contrary to the best interest of The People it represents. Go below to examine how Congress has passed legislation that has fail to protect your best interest.

The Center for Responsive Politics as noted on it’s website, found that in 2011, 12,600 lobbyists spent $3.30 Billion buying access and influence in the halls of Congress.
The judgments and decisions of our congressional representatives have been clouded by these massive campaign contributions. The People have witnessed a slow deterioration of their voice in Washington drowned by the money of Special Interest. Legislation funded by Special Interest groups overshadows the Common Interest of the country. These Special Interest Groups are organized in the form of Corporations, Unions, and Political Action Committees (PAC) etc. utilizing Lobbyists persuading our representatives to legislate their agendas.
The People’s Party chose this “Issue” because the congressional influence of Special Interest affects every fabric of our daily lives and touches every man, woman and child in this country oftentimes with very negative outcomes. The quality of the food we eat to the development of foreign policy to the education of our children have been manipulated by Special Interest.
Outlined below provides just a few examples by industry how The People loose when legislation funded by Special Interest groups put forth their agendas to the detriment of the Common Interest of the country.
This list is not exhaustive and could include a multitude of examples. It highlights how “Special Interest”, through their access and influence to our elected representatives, overshadows the “Common Interest” of the people.
We acknowledge that Special Interest groups have good ideas and we encourage their input. Our request is simple. We request that Special Interest groups stop writing checks. Their money is no longer wanted, desired or required in the new legislative process.
This is the message that The People United sends to Congress. Recognize as we do that campaign financing from Special Interest Groups “clouds” judgments. Evidence abounds that congressional legislation funded by special interest groups diminishes and in some cases injures The People. The “Common Interest” of The People must be the prevailing interest out of Washington from henceforth.
We The People Pledge to actively review and stay current on the issue(s) in the legislative process. We will monitor the voting activities of our Congressional Representatives and Senators related to The Issue and hold them accountable for their actions.
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